Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sunday am

Been too busy to write! Gotta write quick we're going to the zoo. I love the zoo!! :) I am still working on my new site. There is so much to do. I want it to be very easy to use so I'm taking the time now to anticipate problems and what I need. It might be another month before it's live...meanwhile...I was surprised on April 7 when I had a half page article on medical bracelets and my name and site were mentioned. Very cool! It was actually an article that ran in the Wall Street Journal April 5 and the N&O so kindly picked it up and ran it! You can see it on my "as seen in" page or click here I was also amazed and very excited when Your Life! Magazine said they were featuring 2 of my bracelets - the (Ruby Jade and Sleeping Beauty) on their shopping page. See it here That's all for now...back to work!