Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What time is it?

I can tell you with 5 new watches! One of my stores requested them so I tried them out and am very pleased with the first batch! Shell is big for the spring and pearls are always in style. The bands are interchangeable for a new look every day!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Indie Finds is here

I am excited to be a part of a unique group of designers and e-store owners called Indie Finds (www.indiefinds.com). We pool our resources and accomplish more as a group than we could alone. Our press release came out today and can be read here: http://www.indiefinds.com/pressrelease.html

We are feaured in our first 2 page ad in Bust Magazine hitting the stands on March 28!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Busy weekend

Spent the weekend making a bunch of new bracelets. I've got a couple new stores in the works so I'm trying to be prepared :) Here's a snippet of the new stuff....