Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina Relief Fund

I, along with hundreds of other Indie Shops across the US and Canada, am participating in the Craft Revolution/Etsy Crafter's United Fund. Donations of handcrafted goods are displayed on this site and all proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross Hurricane Relief Fund, which is providing hot meals to victims and rescue workers, as well as providing other much needed assistance such as shelter, medical needs and even therapy for victims. Please visit the site and particpating shops and help the victims of Katrina.

In addition to my participation in the shop I will be donating 30% of the sales from my site to the Red Cross through the month of September.

Above is the necklace and earrings (3 pairs) I'm donating to the Craft Revolution/Etsy site. The necklace is .999 Thai silver/Greek Leather, $29 and the earrings are $17, shipping is free in US. They will be there as soon as they can upload them. Thanks for your support!